In the listening section, candidates are required to listen to a range of recordings, including conversations, monologues, and discussions. The recordings are played only once, and candidates answer questions related to the content, testing their ability to understand main ideas, specific details, opinions, and attitudes.
The reading test consists of three sections, each with a different type of text (academic or general). Candidates are tested on their ability to comprehend and interpret information from the passages, as well as their skills in identifying main ideas, supporting details, and the writer’s opinions or attitudes.
The writing section includes two tasks: Task 1: In the Academic module, candidates describe visual information (graphs, charts, diagrams), while in the General Training module, they write a letter. Task 2: Both Academic and General Training candidates write an essay in response to a point of view, argument, or problem. This section assesses the candidate’s […]
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Dliquam sed tristique magna, imperdiet enim. Nulla convallis at orci in faucibus. Morbi a purus nisi rutrum vulputate sit amet vel turpis.
Suspendisse tellus ipsum, feugiat quis purus ut, auctor fermentum diam. Vivamus mattis vehicula lorem, nec condimentum elit pulvinar a. Maecenas a odio.
Nulla accumsan dolor in felis pharetra tempus. Suspendisse facilisis, lectus quis bibendum feugiat, diam sem egestas lorem, vel aliquet augue diam tellus.
The wise man therefore always holds in these matters to this principle of selections he rejects pleasures too secure other greater pleasures.
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